Forum > Embedded
I am interested in learning embedded programming in pascal
--- Quote from: dbannon on August 19, 2024, 02:58:24 am ---Did you look on the wiki ? Maybe
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Which reminds me, here at note 2 the wiki states "make sure you have that file there, FPC main Dec 2024 or later."
I assume that was a typo ?, e.g. dec 2023 (btw later is even better as both Michael and CCrause pushed some additional changes after dec. 2023)
fwiw: if you look at a specific commit at gitlab (any commit), then press the browse files link then you can see the whole tree with that commit number. The code link then allows for downloading the (complete) tree at that commit (hash). Just in case someone wants to be precise (and it did help for us when trunk did not compile anymore as long as you know a working hash).
--- Quote from: Prakash on August 19, 2024, 03:09:55 am ---I would like to see the pascal and raspberry pi or other embedded project live video
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Not video of course, but wiki information on Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Pico.
Are you looking for a beginner's guide embedded series that will teach you concepts in simple, well explained exercises? Or do you have an idea for a project and just want some ideas on how to implement this project?
in pascal do I need any sdk or third party library to communicate with raspberry pi device .
--- Quote from: Prakash on August 19, 2024, 10:43:37 am ---in pascal do I need any sdk or third party library to communicate with raspberry pi device .
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There are several options, depending on what you mean by "communicate with raspberry pi device". In general, the wiki article on hardware access on Raspberry Pi lists several techniques and libraries that one can use in general.
UART/serial communication to/from Raspberry Pi should work with FPC's serial unit. Many people prefer Pascal components build on top of this, see this list for alternative Pascal serial components.
Thanks to everyone .
My question may be silly for all experts . I have seen YouTube where developer is connected raspberry pi through USB and passing command to raspberry pi .
But I would like to know can we embed the ( pascal code or exe ) inside the device and that device should work independently .
like home automation device .
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