Hi everyone!
Thank you dsiders, I rewrote my code using Parameters and it worked!
I really didn't understand why it solved the issue. As I said, I have some other applications that don't use Parameters and they work with no issues. But the important is that my application is working now.
The drawback is that I use to write the "sql" variable to a log file, and using parameters I will not have the exact sql command in the log. I solved this by writing the Parameters values in another line of my log.
Allow me to do a small correction on your code:
QDB_Shot.SQL.Text := 'update config set keyaddress = :nkey where keyaddress = :key';
QDB_Shot.Params.ParamByName('nkey').AsString := nkey;
QDB_Shot.Params.ParamByName('key').AsString := key;
Thank you guys for the help in this issue.
Best Regards,