What does this Thaddism mean?
He means that the idea of having multiple dots in a filename is one which is likely to cause you problems.
It is no choice situation for Lazarus. We have already "Generics.Collections" or "System.UITypes" and so on ... .
Currently implemented in Lazarus/FPC namespaces mechanism is more prone to wrong unit usage than it can be with more restricted dotted identifiers as it is in recent Delphi releases.
Some excerpt from Embarcadero or rather Marco Cantù ... .
"The reason for this extension is that unit names must be unique, and with more and
more units being provided by Embarcadero and by third party vendors, this became
more and more complex. All of the RTL units and the various other units that ship
as part of the product libraries now follow the dotted unit name rule, with specific
prefixes denoting the area, such as:
· System for core RTL
· Data for database access and the like
· FMX for the FireMonkey platform, the single-source multi-device architecture for
desktop and mobile
· VCL for the Visual Component Library for Windows"
Let's note that level of dotting in their world (Delphi) is quite often greater than 3.