Forum > Editor
[SOLVED] Suddenly IDE does not show hints
For example, whey I type
then methods/properties that I can use should be shown, but not. currently
template ....
template ....
are displayed. Is this related with anything of options/project options?
Eugene Loza:
In my experience this happens when the code fails to compile (due to some error in the code or due to some FPC internal error). Try Run -> Clean up and Build. If that doesn't help try restarting Lazarus (also worked for me a couple of times).
I thought you were joking, but it is a real trunk issue.
Try Project/New Project ...
Select project type "Application".
Write "Form1." and you will see:
Eugene Loza:
--- Quote from: WooBean on August 15, 2024, 09:21:05 am ---Write "Form1." and you will see:
--- End quote ---
And in messages it says: unit1.pas(25,1) Error: expected end., but Form1 found. This happens because the code fails to compile and therefore no meaningful autocompletion can be provided for this case. Fix the code (e.g. put call to Form1 in some procedure) and it'll work fine.
Am I not allowed to write "Form1."?
No joking, please.
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