The examples are for the console/terminal.
The GUI app will follow later this weekend.
How could you have missed all my examples
are complete programs?
The GUI program will look better and has more options.
But the core is like the screenshot shows: that is merely a demo that the algorithm works.
(examples two and three have the same output, randomized, and following the wiki entry about Bingo )
One more question:
do you want me to make sure that after every completed draw there is a winner?That means I have to provide for one line extra code.
I will explain this briefly:
- A Bingo card is a randomized selection of 25 unique numbers out of 75.
- By default it is not guaranteed that the winning card is always present. It is even not likely it is present because of chance.
- But I can make sure the winning card is always least once...
- By a randomized selection of the number of players and then giving the randomly selected player the initially randomized winning card.
All this can be done with just the examples 2 and 3 that I gave you and one line extra..
Writing a graphical user interface takes more time than writing the actual algorithm and is to me just a bit boring.
I did not study computer science to be a screen drawer.
( I wrote my first example in real time while answering your question and that also works, with some oversights corrected in 2 as Zvoni pointed out..
Can you follow all that?
When you answer the question the code is ready tomorrow. I documented the code very well, since you are a beginner.