
Author Topic: "Digital Accessibility"  (Read 939 times)


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"Digital Accessibility"
« on: August 14, 2024, 12:38:19 am »
I just got an email from a university that wants to install my (free) software in a student laboratory. They are requesting an "accessibility statement or completed VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template)".

It is not worth my time to go through a long process for them. I would like to send them a generic statement that the software uses Windows (and Mac, they did not specify platform) accessibility options via Lazarus LCL. Can anyone point me to any statement on LCL support for disability options?


« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 02:07:39 am by VTwin »
“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” -Linus Torvalds

Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2
macOS 14.5: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit Cocoa M1)
Ubuntu 18.04.3: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit on VBox)
Windows 7 Pro SP1: Lazarus 3.4 (64 bit on VBox)


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