I don't know if this is an issue with the JvDBLookUpCombo component itself because I don't have this issue so much in other forms in the app. I'm building.
Here's the deal. I have a Proposals form with a panel at the top that contains a DBNavigator, a search by index, Save, Cancel and Close buttons. Below that panel is a DBGrid and the rest of the form below is just a panel containing DBEdits, JVDBLookUp combo's, and one memo field component for Notes. I can test and all works fine as other forms except on this one form if you use the DBNavigator to skip up and down, Bof, Eof, the value in just one JvDBLookupCombo (Contact lookup for LastName, FirstName and Mi) disappears. You can see it in the grid and it's in the table. I can roll the mouse above the grid and the lastname refreshes just fine.
I've tried using the OnClick event for the Navigator but that doesn't do it!
procedure TFrmProposals.DBNavProposalsClick(Sender: TObject;
Button: TDBNavButtonType);
Anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this?
Tks ...