I understand that the congruence might feel a bit intense. Could you provide more details on what specifically feels overwhelming? Was it the black and white cheetah images? Or the black and gold mandala background? Or the darkness of the drawing in general? Or all the things I mentioned?
To make sure I was only referring to the first image (and their respective colorschemes) that you posted. I thought the colours looked just fine as well as the mandala background. It is the symmetry of the opposing images that I found to be a bit distracting.
My friend @TRon I have the greatest respect for you and I highly value your thoughts.
Don't worry. It is all good. Like I said my graphical design skills are non existent so I am easy to please in such matters.
It is fair enough that you have a (strong) opinion on what you deem fit for your graphical creativity. Please don't waste time on something that was just a idea that popped into my head.
Talking about stagnancy then I wonder about pillars, cheeta's and Delphi references et all e.g. as if Lazarus isn't able to stand on its own legs. But that is from a pure personal perspective.
We have Artificial Intelligence (AI) and all the screenshots you see were not created frm scratch by me. That would have taken considerable time. I used GEMINI and typed in:
Ah yes, ofc

It did not occur to me when seeing that first image as to me it looked something that was manually drawn.
fwiw I believe there is nothing wrong with the second image and yes that looked more like being crafted with ML

The other thing I noticed is a lot of people got upset/fired-up with my splash logo. What if we have multiple splash logos that the end user is given the ability to choose? Then those who want to stick with the original logo can do so and those that wish to change to a new logo are able to do so? Everyone stays happy? Or we leave things the way they are and most people will be happy. ( and I use my logo as and when I please and am happy. )
People seem to get upset pretty quick when it comes to art.... perhaps because only their own interpretation is deemed the right one ? IRL paintings seem to have a similar effect and opinions seem to be influenced by time as well.
I have no opinion on the suggestions made simply because they do not influence functional behaviour of either the language or the IDE.