Ah ok, that would be more advanced than TImage. If you would like to zoom and scroll the image, you may draw it directly on the bitmap of BGRAVirtualScreen in the OnRedraw event, for example by calling StretchPutImage with the adequate theoretical coordinates or PutImageAffine with the adequate matrix.
About the autoscaling, the idea is that you can choose between two modes. If you want to have the full resolution on MacOS, you will need to turn this feature off. However if you do that, you need to be aware that even if on the form, the control has for example a width of 320, if the screen is scaled by a factor of 2 in the system option, then in fact, the resolution is 640 pixels.
If you would like to have the full resolution on MacOS, I recommend you test your program on this system, because this is not trivial. For example, mouse events would need also to be scaled. BitmapAutoScale property is here to make it easier for you, if you don't have the time or resources to customize your application for MacOS.