Thanks, I have implemented dcpcrypt for an update file, but need the db encrypted now, I can try something with dcpcrypt I guess.
Not had much luck with chatgpt et al. most of the time it's wrong and you have to keep challenging it, had more luck on stackoverflow tbh.
Re jPanel, pretty sure, I've eliminated jPanel completely from my app now due to the sluggish performance I experienced, I even rebuilt the app from scratch at one point before realising, my LAMW is up to date, jPanel slows down the app considerably, although I need to do further testing what the tipping point is, but the performance hit disappeared when I got rid of jPanel in my app, a night and day performance difference, but, you might get away with one or two, but I got rid of them all, has caused me a headache for a while, rotate took a long time as did general speed of the app, I think it may be redraw issue, not really sure why though, I just avoid using it now.
I'm not having a go at the developers re jPanel btw, everyone involved in LAMW have done a tremendous job with LAMW, something I use every day now!
I think someone else needs to test jPanel to see what's going on as it really does impact the performance.