I'm sorry, but I'm having a severe case of brain fade here: I've been focusing on comms-related stuff for so long that my geometry's been swapped out to some extremely slow tertiary-memory device and the operators haven't yet found the cartridge in the vault.
Related to
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,67908.msg523888.html#msg523888, I'm trying to work out a function with these characteristics:
* If the input is 0 (degrees) then the output is 1.
* If the input is +90 then the output is Sqrt(2).
* For other +ve inputs, the output lies on a roughly Log10 curve such that beyond +90 it gradually flattens out somewhat larger than Sqrt(2) (let's say no larger than 2, but this is a relatively unimportant detail).
* If the input is -90 then the output is 1 / Sqrt(2).
* For other -ve inputs, the output lies on a roughly Log10 curve such that beyond -90 it gradually flattens out somewhat smaller than 1 / Sqrt(2) (let's say no smaller than 1/2, but this is a relatively unimportant detail).
It would be nice if gross discontinuities could be avoided, but I don't think there's a single smooth function that will do this.
What I'm trying to do is take one or more airfield circuit patterns, and convert them to a "planes nearby" area where tightly-reentrant corners (-ve angles) don't close up completely.
Any polite suggestions would be appreciated :-)