Forum > Databases

Problems with Zeos Stored Proc


I have the following problem with the TZStoredProc component of the Zeos libraries.

I attach it to the form, configure it, indicate the procedure to which it is connected, the parameters are correctly brought and I save. But when I close the form and reopen it, the parameter configuration is lost.

I am using Lazarus 2.0.2 32-bit for this project, Firebird 3.0 32-bit database and Windows 11 64-bit. The Zeos libraries are version 7.2.8 Release.

Any opinion on what may be causing this problem

If you connect database at run time when you run app the library is running don't let you make a connection..

the is already open but the app not take that is on different threath...

This happens to me when I'm designing the forms, I have installations of version 2.0.10 and 3.0 and the parameters are not lost when I open the forms in design. Whether or not I run the program with Lazarus open, the parameters are lost, just by closing the form and reopening it.

Without having indeepth knowledge about your problem, for me that looks like a bad installation or one that does not run perfectly.
Sometimes Run - Clean up an Build will help

I suggest to install a Lazarus instance parallel to your current one using fpcupdeluxe. Fpcupdeluxe is not only capable to install cross-compile environments, it is also useful to install several independant Lazarus instances on your computer without touching the operating system.
So you can test different versions and combinations of components at the same time


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