
Author Topic: [SOLVED]Failed to rebuild Lazarus or install packages  (Read 713 times)


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[SOLVED]Failed to rebuild Lazarus or install packages
« on: August 06, 2024, 04:26:13 am »
With the most recent updated Lazarus 3.4+fpc3.2.2 under win10 64bit,when I tried to install a package like Ancher Dock Manager or lazSql3,failed both with below message:
What's the issue and how to fix it?

Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. Compile package charactermap_ide_pkg 0.1: Aborted
  2. Compile package InstantFPCLaz 1.0: Aborted
  3. Compile package pgf 0.0: Exit code 1, Errors: 15
  4. Unzip.pas(78,27) Error: Identifier not found "culong"
  5. Unzip.pas(78,33) Error: Error in type definition
  6. Unzip.pas(79,27) Error: Identifier not found "cuint"
  7. Unzip.pas(79,32) Error: Error in type definition
  8. Unzip.pas(80,57) Error: Type "ulong" is not completely defined
  9. Unzip.pas(83,58) Error: Type "ulong" is not completely defined
  10. Unzip.pas(94,47) Error: Type "ulong" is not completely defined
  11. Unzip.pas(95,47) Error: Type "ulong" is not completely defined
  12. Unzip.pas(96,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  13. Unzip.pas(97,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  14. Unzip.pas(98,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  15. Unzip.pas(99,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  16. Unzip.pas(100,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  17. Unzip.pas(101,47) Error: Type "uint" is not completely defined
  18. Unzip.pas(105,47) Error: Type "ulong" is not completely defined
  19. Compile package printers4lazide 0.0: Aborted
  20. Compile package sqlite3laz 0.4: Aborted
  21. Compile package sqlitelaz 0.4: Aborted
  22. Compile package IdeDebugger 0.0.1: Aborted

Thanks in advance.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 08:38:15 am by PeterHu »


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Re: Failed to rebuild Lazarus or install packages
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2024, 08:06:21 am »
What is package "pgf"? It seems to be causing the issue. AFAIK, this is not a standard package. Where did you get it from? Remove the package ("Package" > "Install/uninstall packages" > select it in the left list > click "Uninstall selection", then "Rebuild IDE".)


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Re: Failed to rebuild Lazarus or install packages
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2024, 08:34:57 am »
What is package "pgf"? It seems to be causing the issue. AFAIK, this is not a standard package. Where did you get it from? Remove the package ("Package" > "Install/uninstall packages" > select it in the left list > click "Uninstall selection", then "Rebuild IDE".)

The rebuild is successfull,thank you!

I don't know why pgf is in the build process.I did nothing.[It is already in the Install list].
« Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 12:28:18 pm by PeterHu »


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