But I got the impression, that the Linux has an SSL, since it reports its version, now you are telling me there is no SSL
No, you are reading too much into what was written
In one of your first post your stated (and that is the only place where it is stated)
I tried the same code it in Linux Mint, latest version.
I have got the following exception:
Could not initialize OpenSSL library.
To which I responded that the free pascal openssl unit is unable to open/load the openssl library.
You have also shown us/stated that openssl is installed on your system.
In Linux I get:
OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022)
So that can only mean one thing and that is that the free pascal openssl unit is unable to load your openssl library. There can be several reasons for that:
- the openssl library version number installed on your system in not supported by Free Pascal
- the installed library depends on other (3th party) libraries that are not installed (properly) (and thus fails to load).
- Free Pascal is unable to locate the openssl library installed on your system. That is usually caused by missing the correct softlink (usually installed by a package manager installing the dev package of the library that you are trying to load/use)
So, it is not a yes and/or no situation but a more complex one. My guess would be the missing softlink. In order to verify you can show us the output of the terminal command
apt search libssl-devBTW: the fact that you are mixing 3 different operating systems/setups into the equation isn't particularly helpful either.
FWIW: The answer provided in this post only applies to linux and/or linux-alike operating systems.