
Author Topic: [CLOSED] Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?  (Read 1122 times)


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Re: Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2024, 03:30:55 pm »
So, the issue actually is transposing from Rows to columns....*sigh*
That is not that strange: the correct name is a pivot table. Which is not uncommon. Delphi once came with such component. It is also in e.g. Excel. The limits are defined by available memory and the high value of the ordinal type used and squared divided by the size of a single record.
I expect a table of, say 3500 rows can easily be translated to a 90 degree pivot table in memory on modern hardware. If it is sane is another question...
What I describe as a pivot table is actually the simplest transform it can do. Pivot tables, as a concept, can do way more.
Most SQL dialects support this.

Meaning I think you are right, Zvoni: it is a common operation.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2024, 03:42:06 pm by Thaddy »
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Re: Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2024, 03:46:46 pm »
So, the issue actually is transposing from Rows to columns....*sigh*
That is not that strange: the correct name is a pivot table. Which is not uncommon. Delphi once came with such component. It is also in e.g. Excel. The limits are defined by available memory and the high value of the ordinal type used and squared divided by the size of a single record.
I expect a table of, say 3500 rows can easily be translated to a 90 degree pivot table in memory on modern hardware. If it is sane is another question...
What I describe as a pivot table is actually the simplest transform it can do. Pivot tables, as a concept, can do way more.
Most SQL dialects support this.

Meaning I think you are right, Zvoni: it is a common operation.
I always confuse transposing with pivot (as i know it from Excel).
Probably because i'm used to aggregation happening when i pivot in Excel (which in OP's case is NOT the case as i understand it. No aggregation there)
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Re: Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2024, 03:37:28 pm »
No? It is a simple rotate, where pivots in general allow for any dimension. It is still a pivot.
Rubic's cube anyone?  :D
It is a transposition on any dimension of the data. One of those is transpose x,y to y,x.
Rubic uses x,y,z and challenges you to perform the least of the possible transpositions to solve his puzzle.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 03:52:34 pm by Thaddy »
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Re: Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2024, 06:30:48 pm »
Here is a CTE select that will do the job :
Code: SQL  [Select][+][-]
  1. WITH
  2. bufdataset1(ID, fieldname, val) -- <------- That must be the real table with data
  3. AS (
  4.   VALUES
  5.   ( 001, 'F1',  1),
  6.   ( 001, 'F2',  4),
  7.   ( 001, 'F3',  12),
  8.   ( 001, 'F20', 202),
  9.   ( 001, 'F35', 998),
  10.   ( 002, 'F1',  5),
  11.   ( 002, 'F2',  3),
  12.   ( 002, 'F3',  32),
  13.   ( 002, 'F33', 333),
  14.   ( 002, 'F35', 999),
  15.   ( 003, 'F12', 42)
  16. ),
  17. flds(N, fn)
  18. AS (
  19.   VALUES(1, 'F1')
  20.   UNION ALL
  21.   SELECT
  22.     N + 1, 'F' || CAST(N + 1 AS TEXT)
  23.   FROM
  24.     flds
  25.   LIMIT 35 -- <------------- Here limit must be adjusted accordingly (3500?)
  26. ),
  27. tablerows(M)
  28. AS (
  29.   VALUES(1)
  30.   UNION ALL
  31.   SELECT
  32.     M + 1
  33.   FROM
  34.     tablerows
  35.   WHERE
  36.     M < (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM bufdataset1)
  37. )
  38. SELECT
  39.   N x, M y, fn, val
  40. FROM
  41.   tablerows, flds LEFT OUTER JOIN bufdataset1 ON
  42.     tablerows.M = bufdataset1.ID AND flds.fn = bufdataset1.fieldname
  43. ORDER BY
  44.   tablerows.M, flds.N

Of course, bufdataset1 must be an existing table as described in reply #8, not as a CTE which here is just for the example. Also the LIMIT for flds should be adjusted as needed.

It gives a result like:

Code: [Select]
x      y        fn     val
1 1 F1 1
2 1 F2 4
3 1 F3 12
4 1 F4 NULL
5 1 F5 NULL
6 1 F6 NULL
35      3       F35     NULL

The rows count will be N*M thus covering the whole spreadsheet as required. The only thing needed is to iterate over it and use x,y in e.g.
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. FPSpreadsheet.TsWorksheet.WriteNumber(y, x, val, ...)

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Re: Are there any limit to field numbers in TBufDataSet?
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2024, 06:25:25 am »
Thank you for your interests and advises, but please do not waste your time and cognitive resources.

Ordering the first table is not simple. The ordering should be based on 64 or so characters long string. They are not in the order of field name. Each fieldname has to refer to another data structure (in my case TFPGMap).  I can define fields  (in correct order) of the second table from the TFPGMap (dynamically). Following is my real codes. It directly writes to text file, instead of creating any memory-residing structure.

In the beginning I used BufDataSet as the target (bufdataset2 in the previous example), and did not have any problem with most questionnaires for 5 years, until a new project's total column count reached 2000 or something. A solution that hit me first was to expand the column number limit of a table. I don't think it is possible with TBufDataSet, so I thought of SQLite3, and I found it says I can expand the column number limit by recompiling the sources, which is not a very good idea actually. I have to distribute sqlite3.dll with every copy of my application.

Then I tested ordering the first table (bufdataset1 in the previous example, and temptable in following example).  I was afraid that it may be time-consuming if the number of rows of the first table is very large. As result, not that bad when I applied "filter". Most of the table cells are sparse, and number of rows of each ID is not large in most cases.  Then, the program writes the content to a file on the disk.

There could be improvements on the performance of following codes, but that does not deserve the effort from business point of view. This runs on terminal, neither DB nor Web server.

Many thanks again for the warmest concerns.

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1.       tcount := 0;
  3.       tempTable.IndexFieldNames:= 'RID;VarOrderStr;ROrder';
  4.       tempTable.Filtered:= True;
  6.       AssignFile(f, fname);
  7.       Rewrite(f);
  9.       write(f, 'SID,RID,STATUS,IVID,Start,Last,');              
  10.       for ti := 0 to OrderedVarList.Count-1 do begin
  11.          AVar := OrderedVarList.Data[ti];
  12.          if AVar.MaxCount + AVar.MaxOpenCount = 1
  13.             then Write(f, AVar.VarName(0), ',')                    
  14.             else begin
  15.                for tj := 1 to AVar.MaxCount do Write(f, AVar.VarName(tj), ',');
  16.                for tj := 1 to AVar.MaxOpenCount do Write(f, AVar.VarName(-tj), ',');
  17.             end;
  18.       end;
  19.       Writeln(f);
  21.       trRes.First;
  22.       while not trRes.Eof do begin
  23.          with trRes do begin
  24.             trid:= FieldByName('rid').AsInteger;
  25.             ts:= Format('%s,%d,%s,%s,"%s","%s",',
  26.                  [FieldByName('sid').AsString,
  27.                   trid,
  28.                   FieldByName('Status').AsString,
  29.                   FieldByName('Ivid').AsString,
  30.                   FieldByName('Created').AsString,
  31.                   FieldByName('LTime').AsString]);
  32.          end;
  33.          write(f, ts);
  35.          TempTable.Filter:= Format('RID=%d', [trid]);
  37.          tempTable.first;
  38.          ti := 0;
  39.          ts := tempTable.FieldByName('VarOrderStr').AsString ;
  40.          while (not tempTable.Eof) and (ti < OrderedVarList.Count) do begin
  41.              AVar := OrderedVarList.Data[ti];
  42.              tss := OrderedVarList.Keys[ti];
  43.              for tj := 1 to AVar.MaxCount do begin
  44.                  if (ts = tss) then begin
  45.                      write (f, temptable.FieldByName('rcode').AsInteger);
  46.            ;
  47.                      if temptable.eof then break
  48.                      else ts := tempTable.FieldByName('VarOrderStr').AsString ;
  49.                  end;
  50.                  write (f, ',');
  51.              end;
  53.              if tempTable.EOF then break;
  54.              for tj := 1 to AVar.MaxOpenCount do begin
  55.                  if (ts = tss) then begin
  56.                      write (f, temptable.FieldByName('rcode').AsInteger);
  57.            ;
  58.                      if temptable.eof then break
  59.                      else ts := tempTable.FieldByName('VarOrderStr').AsString ;
  60.                  end;
  61.                  write (f, ',');
  62.              end;
  63.              inc(ti);
  64.          end;
  66.          writeln(f);
  67.          trRes.Next;
  68.          tcount += 1;
  69.          if Assigned(SendMessage) then
  70.             if (tcount mod 50) = 0 then SendMessage(Format('%d respondents processed', [tcount]));
  71.          Application.ProcessMessages;
  72.       end;
  73.       Close(f);
« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 06:28:00 am by egsuh »


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