Historical background.
When Wirth (hurriedly) defined Pascal, it was still common for system operations such as input/output to be embedded in the compiler. IBM had separately-linkable libraries, but they were rather the exception with everybody else using include files; the idea of enforced cross-module parameter checking etc. which implied a uniform procedure/function declaration format was still in the future.
As such, languages including FORTRAN, (some) ALGOLs and (later) C and its derivatives tended to use separate format or picture declarations, with some level of ambiguity as to whether they were parsed at compilation or execution time.
In order to avoid the parsing complexity, particularly where a format declaration was separate from the one or more places where it was used, Wirth took the relatively simple way out: annotate each parameter with minimal information regarding its format. That also made it relatively easy to define that field widths etc. should be computed at runtime, rather than being predefined.
Wirth dropped this notation for Modula-2, and I'm not aware of any Pascal implementation that generalised it to be user-accessible.