Hi everyone,
We have released
Castle Model Viewer for mobile (Android) on
Google Play this weekend!
It's an open-source application to view 3D and 2D models, everything supported by
Castle Game Engine: glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, sprite sheets, MD3, Wavefront OBJ, 3DS, STL, Collada, and more. It also allows to open a ZIP file that contains a single model and associated media (like textures, sounds etc.).
You can explore the models (using walk, examine and other navigation methods), jump between viewpoints, play animations, take screenshots etc.
Castle Game Engine, using FPC 3.2.2, fully open-source (
repo), of course free (there are no ads, no tracking in the app -- though we appreciate
full news announcement is here. Have fun!
And if you're interested in a "bigger picture", we're working very intensively on the next
Castle Game Engine. The 7.0-alpha.3 release should be really soon, and I absolutely want to follow with 7.0 this year too. We have a ton of
plans and I think we have enough energy to really make them happen
Some of the
new features are listed here, our
news are active and you can
download the engine today to enjoy all the announced features:)