Forum > Databases
TDBMemo Problem with AutoEdit in Lazarus
Install ZeosLib 8.0 in Lazarus.
Drop the following components on a form. Hook them all up to a MySql / MariaDB database.
Set AutoEdit = True in the TDataSource component.
Now, if you enter the TDBEdit, click in the middle of a word and start typing, it will insert your text where you intended.
However, if you enter the TDBMemo component – with it not already being in Edit mode – click in the middle of a word and start typing, it will insert your text at the very end of the text.
If you click on the Edit button on the TNavigator component first, and then click in the middle of a word and start typing, it will insert your text where you intended.
So, there appears to be a problem with AutoEdit with TDBMemo components.
I don’t know if this is a problem with the TDBMemo component, or something with ZeosLib; but it would be much appreciated if somebody who knows more about this than me could look into fixing this.
did you setup components to readonly:=true can click on component and could be type but never update...
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