
Author Topic: [ACTION] BGRABitmap and BGRAControls - collecting material for a showcase  (Read 1364 times)


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Hi folks,

I am collecting here material for BGRABitmap and BGRAControls showcase(s).
I am asking for your help - show us what you have developed by using BGRABitmap or BGRAControls (screenshots of the app or screenshot of the relevant part).

Also, if you can do a cool thing with BGRABitmap/BGRAControls (something that you didn't publish as an app) - show us a screenshot and a code-snippet that does the cool thing.

If you decide to submit a screenshot, please also submit the following info:

Application/code-snippet name:
Description: (tell us how or where did you use BGRABitmap/BGRAControls in the screenshot)
Code-snippet: (for code snippets)


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Hi, I will share first =)

This is WinDS PRO FX (

A ROM explorer and emulator launcher made with FPC and Lazarus, BGRABitmap and BGRAControls.

I've used TBCPanel, TBCMaterialEdit, TBCButton and TBGRAVirtualScreen.

And this is my code snippet for drawing the background image with a TBGRAVirtualScreen (vsBackgroundImage):

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. procedure TfrmMain.vsBackgroundImageRedraw(Sender: TObject; Bitmap: TBGRABitmap);
  2. begin
  3.   Bitmap.StretchPutImageProportionally(Rect(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height),
  4.     taCenter, tlCenter, backgroundImage, dmSet, 255, True);
  5. end;

Here is all the sourcecode:

Here how to theme forms and controls:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 12:43:43 pm by lainz »


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And this is LazPaint.

Vector and raster image editor and viewer.

Author: Circular.

Controls used: combobox, custom controls for lazpaint, and virtual screen.


Custom controls:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 12:53:12 pm by lainz »


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Hi, here are the BCLea components. At the moment, available just in the BGRA Controls github repo:
Based on BGRABitmap and extensive use of Phong effect for light/shadow/3D.
One of the components is a theme-container, and every BCLea component can link to a BCLeaTheme. Changing the skin of an app is than just loading of a new theme into the container.
There is also a theme editor - Theme Builder (see screenshot).
In the screenshots are also a couple of themes.


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I've just seen this topic.
The first screenshot is the main 2D view in Saynètes, a software to control audio and lighting for shows/theater. I use TBGLVirtualScreen to render things. All fixture images are loaded from svg file thanks to BGRABitmap. It work very well and having this option gives our applications a graphic boost! Thanks Circular  :)

The second is the sequencer in the same software. It use also TBGLVirtualScreen.
wishing you a nice life!
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