What does that mean?
I've looked through the unit's sources and indeed it seems like it simply provides some types which are of no apparent value to me in a general case (don't take my words for granted, I've never used this unit myself, so I may be wrong). So most likely it means that if you are importing a program made in Kylix you need this unit to make it work.
Can I ignore it if I am building on Ubuntu?
If you are using this unit, then you need it, on Ubuntu too. Otherwise your program won't build as it requires a type defined in this unit. If you aren't using it, then you don't need it on Windows either.
If you received some program code that uses this unit, then most likely it's the first case and most likely your program won't run on Linux. If you are following a tutorial and the tutorial uses this unit, then most likely you'll need it during the next steps, so you need to include it and it will have problems working on Linux.
But if you are writing your own program, aiming at cross-platform development - then most likely you don't need it. Not "ignore it", just not use it.
Again, disclaimer, I haven't used this unit myself, so I may be wrong and it is required or offers significant simplification for some specific usecases.