
Author Topic: How to force the IDE to switch to the target dir when starting the program?  (Read 785 times)


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Does not seem to work anymore.
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 3_4  (x64) 25-05-2024 (unless specified otherwise...)


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Does not seem to work anymore.

Is your signature:
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 2.0.10 'stable' (x64) unless specified otherwise...
still accurate?

Because I have no idea what may have affected 2.0.10.

But if you are on 3.x and depending on settings:

The stricken-out text was 3.0, but turned out bad, so it was adapted and merged for 3.2


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Is your signature:
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 2.0.10 'stable' (x64) unless specified otherwise...
still accurate?
Well spotted, thx. Updated.

But if you are on 3.x and depending on settings:
Thanks for the link; this is indeed the problem I'm experiencing.
I recently switched to 3.0.

From that page:
This happens only if you run your program using IDE...
Interesting choice of words  %)
And people still wonder why Lazarus/FPC isn't embraced more...
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 3_4  (x64) 25-05-2024 (unless specified otherwise...)


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Is your signature:
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 2.0.10 'stable' (x64) unless specified otherwise...
still accurate?
Well spotted, thx. Updated.
The signature is a bad place for that info. Now all your old posts read like you got any issues described in them with 3.0.

Besides that, you were lucky I spotted it. Because often I decide halfway into reading a post, that I will reply. In that case I don't read to the end. I will read to the end in the reply form (while arranging the quotes). => Only in reply mode, I don't see the signature. Even if I scroll down, the forum does not list it in the messages that are shown below a reply box.
I have countless times ask people what version they use, because I did not see there signature while I was replying.

But if you are on 3.x and depending on settings:
Thanks for the link; this is indeed the problem I'm experiencing.
I recently switched to 3.0.
Better go to 3.2, because behaviour was updated...


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Better go to 3.2, because behaviour was updated...
Done (well, 3_4).
All posts based on: Win10 (Win64); Lazarus 3_4  (x64) 25-05-2024 (unless specified otherwise...)


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