TFPHTTPClient is the better choice anyway.
Yeah... And it's easy too. I learned it fast.

That should not be possible after a "Could not load SSL library" error has occurred. The loading process has a global list that stores the names of any libs that failed to load into memory, and any exports that failed to be found in the libs, and then WhichFailedToLoad() returns the content of that list. The list is not cleared unless a new load process is attempted.
Well, it's what was returned for me. An empty string. I took a look at the source code and I saw how the function works, by the way.
I think you really need to update your Indy with support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 (and later) and TLS 1.3. Well, a lot of sites in the world already moved to TLS 1.3 and some are moving. Or otherwise your Indy will be very outdated and become useless. If you need people to test it just PM me here later. I'll be glad to help.

And thanks a lot, you, Mr Lebeau, for replying all these questions I asked here. I already spotted your name in other sites as well, always replying Indy related questions. Like StackOverflow and DelphiPraxis.Net
See ya!