The row() formula does not work correctly.
If there are no arguments inside the formula, then it returns the number of the line in which it is written. Now if the line is empty, the calculation is not performed.
procedure fpsROW(var Result: TsExpressionResult;
const Args: TsExprParameterArray);
{ ROW( [reference] )
Returns the row number of a cell reference (starting at 1!)
"reference" is a reference to a cell or range of cells.
If omitted, it is assumed that the reference is the cell address in which the
ROW function has been entered in. }
Result := ErrorResult(errArgError);
if Length(Args) = 0 then
exit; // We don't know here which cell contains the formula.
case Args[0].ResultType of
rtCell : Result := IntegerResult(Args[0].ResRow + 1);
rtCellRange: Result := IntegerResult(Args[0].ResCellRange.Row1 + 1);
else Result := ErrorResult(errWrongType);
if Length(Args) = 0 then
exit; // We don't know here which cell contains the formula.
If you don't know that row() and column() behave differently in libraries, this can cause errors during operation.
If the value obtained when applying the formula row() is included in min(), then the calculation causes the program to freeze.
Formula column() same error
I am attaching an example file
my code:
b.Options := [boReadFormulas];
b.ReadFromFile('d:\test1\row.xlsx', sfOOXML);
sh := b.GetFirstWorksheet;
b.CalcFormulas; // << freeze
b.WriteToFile('d:\test1\444111111.xlsx', sfOOXML, true);
Description of the formula: