Hi, I have read all I could find here about this error but have a hard time trying to understand the high-level discussions, so here my simple question:
I have used statements like this:
• If not (Caracter2 in ['0'..'9']) then
And also:
• If not (Key in ['0'..'9', #8, #13, '.']) then Result:=#0;
All of which work fine in my program without having to do “something extra”, but other statements result in an “Operator is not overloaded” error complemented by a statement of: “Not Constant String” or “not AnsiString” depending on how I assembled the string after the “IN” operator. Something as simple as:
• If NOT 'Paul' in 'Peter, Paul, Mary' Then exit;
Will not work.
I am sure that if I could get this last statement to work then I could fix the more complicated ones that in the end, are a version of it. Needless to say, I have no idea how to overload an operator.
Using Lazaris v2.2.0 64 & Firebird.