Just what makes a Troll ?
While I believe there are a few people wake up in the morning and decide to troll someone, I suspect the vast majority are "part timers" who sign up with good intentions but their experience was, one way or another, unsatisfactory.
Dbannon I think you are approaching the problem from the wrong angle. Why don’t you ask what is the best way to help people use fpc instead? How about making sure that they have knowledge about pascal language first? Surely we can agree that it’s easier to use fpc if you know pascal.
It’s hard to know what people’s intentions are but I think if they have put forth the effort of learning at least rudimentary pascal and installing fpc/Lazarus, they deserve the benefit of the doubt when they ask for help.
It’s is a joy to help a genuine pascal enthusiast, I have been volunteering my time for years trying to help. What does it say about this community when people keep taking the side of trolls who come here to attack me?
It doesn’t reflect well ell upon the intelligence of forum members when they are unable to distinguish a genuine pascal enthusiast from new troll accounts that pop up out of nowhere and become dormant just as fast.
Trolls prey upon Negative emotions, they paint a picture of some poor innocent newbie being attacked much akin to propaganda about Huns with babies on bayonets or Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators. You get so angry about the story that you forget to ask does it even make sense? Is there even any proof? Nope.
no one you ID'ed as a troll would want to stay here !
They don’t stay here because they were never interested in writing programs with fpc to begin with. Why is this so difficult for you to understand? Why do you insist upon believing that everyone who comes here wants to program in pascal and not cause trouble?
Let’s assume for a minute that the guy bothering the castle game engine developers was not a troll. Wouldn’t it have been better for all parties involved for him to learn pascal before proceeding further?
The troll problem in this forum is truly minimal.
I’ve seen communities get wrecked and disappear with people saying the exact same thing as you are.