Write a handler for the chart's OnMouseMove event with the following code:
TAChartUtils, TAMath;
function PointInRect(P: TDoublePoint; R: TDoubleRect): Boolean;
Result := InRangeWithLimits(P.X, R.A.X, R.B.X) and
InRangeWithLimits(P.Y, R.A.Y, R.B.Y);
procedure TForm1.Chart1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
Y: Integer);
P: TDoublePoint;
ext: TDoubleRect;
ext := Chart1.CurrentExtent;
P := Chart1.ImageToGraph(Point(X, Y));
if PointInRect(P, ext) then
Screen.Cursor := crHandPoint
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
Chart1.CurrentExtent is the rectangle (in "real-world"-coordinates) spanned by the axes (well... not always). Chart1.ImageToGraph converts the mouse coordinates to "real-world" coordinates. Finally there is a custom-written function PointInRect which checks whether this transformed mouse point is inside the axis rectangle.
BTW, the cross cursor in your screenshot is not a standard cursor coming with the LCL. If you have it as a CUR file you can link it as a resource and load it from there which gives you the number which you can assign to Screen.Cursor (rather than crHandPoint in my sample code).