Is it possible, that the compiler resolves/parses from right to left?
expressions are not parsed right to left (at least not in any Pascal compiler I've seen.)
I can't even imagine attempting to parse an expression right to left, the number of problems that would create is genuinely scary.
That said, function/procedure parameters are usually parsed right to left in a Pascal compiler.
yes, I ran into that error as a result of a typo (actually, it wasn't quite a typo, I was thinking about bytes so I put a byte where I should have put a character.) The error message wording was a real surprise and gave me a good chuckle (surprising the compiler didn't state it expected steamed dumplings... chuckle.) I don't know that I'd call it a bug but, it is certainly a glaring deficiency (which some of them don't seem to bother the FPC developers... oh well.)
I've suggested this in the past to you, don't comment on things which it is painfully obvious you know absolutely _nothing_ about. Actually, when it comes to writing a compiler you've demonstrated in more than one occasion to be absolutely clueless.
If you try to compare P^ = -$90 for example the compiler expects Int64 instead (while the type of P remains the same).
No. The compiler MUST expect a character because p is a pointer to a character. It cannot expect anything else which is why the message is erroneous. The compiler isn't resolving the expected type correctly.