Forum > Designer
Selecting Properties hides Form Designer - why?
I am working in a single-display development environment, using a 'docking' setup.
F12 brings the form designer to the top. Then when I click into the Properties panel, the form designer is immediately hidden by the code window.
This feels like the wrong thing to do, because simply clicking into Properties does not imply I have finished laying out the user inteface.
Lazarus 3.4 (rev lazarus_3_4) FPC 3.2.2 x86_64-win64-win32/win64
I know, a solution is to use 2 displays or in Linux to freeze the Form window (stay on top).
package "DockedFormEditor"?
I've installed
AnchorDocking 1.0
AnchorDockingDsgn 1.0
The aim was to re-create what I was used to from Delphi, VS etc i.e. not tyhe defualt multi-window interface.
--- Quote from: 741 on June 30, 2024, 11:13:15 am ---I've installed
AnchorDocking 1.0
AnchorDockingDsgn 1.0
The aim was to re-create what I was used to from Delphi, VS etc i.e. not tyhe defualt multi-window interface.
--- End quote ---
AnchorDocking is automatically included by AnchorDockingDsgn. But having both is ok too.
You do also need/want the package "DockedFormEditor".
Then your form editor is no longer a floating window, but it is a tab that toggles between your source and the designer. Thus you can click in the object inspector, and the form stays visible.
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