Created a new project.
Added another unit to the project and defined a class Utility in it. Saved the unit as 'utility.pas'.
Now, I want to use that unit in the 'unit1.pas' unit. So, I add its name to the 'uses' section under 'interface'.
This does not build: Error: Cannot find utility used by Unit1 of the Project Inspector.
Tried to add 'uses' section to 'implementation': no dice.
Tried to use 'Utility in 'utility.pas'', capitalized, all lowercase: no dice.
I know that my Delphi is rusty and I ran out of ideas.
I looked at examples, for instance at C:\lazarus\examples\dropfiles\unit2.pas and found that it simply does that which fails in my project: uses Unit1;
What am I doing wrong?