
Author Topic: Was:Forum Upgrade? by @Remy Lebeau|Now: Off-Topic but possibly useful stuff  (Read 1487 times)


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But a better delivery on mobile devices would present a more modern feel, many people today believe a phone can do everything, while I personally disagree, they are probably the majority !  It would mean we'd see more posts "try this code, I have not tested it 'cos I am mobile" but so be it.  ;D

A better mobile support also result in a higher google ranking. It's one of the reasons I do want to upgrade (someday)
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The forum still does not need upgrading.  ;D
Hello @Joanna, that is 'your' personal individual opinion, but based on what factors specifically? Please explain to us why you believe the forum does not require upgrading. Maybe we should have a poll and see how the larger community feels about this. Always best to have a community consensus.  It’s about reaching a collective agreement that reflects the views and needs of the community, rather than just having a majority vote or following one person's lead blindly without any evidence whatsoever full of assumptions.

If someone wants to contact someone on forum they can send a private message!!
Yes they can, agreed :-)

If they don’t have pm privileges yet for this, they can thank all the spammers that made it necessary to prevent someone from making a new account and sending an advertisement via pm to everyone in the forums.
Assumptions do not equate to facts my dear. Can you show us where these people you feel are 'spammers' have been active in the forum? And why do you believe it is for advertising purposes? Give me a link that shows someone spamming the entire community.

Things are the way they are for a reason  >:(
@joanna you will find that diplomacy and tact will get you concrete and desired results as opposed to allowing anger to rush to your head. Btw, please do enlighten us with the *reasons* why things are the way they are. I honestly do not know this and would very much like to learn the reasons why?

I seriously doubt that most people here want to be pinged with email informing them that some new spammer account has mentioned them somewhere. This feature would circumvent the restrictions on brand new accounts bothering people by sending private messages.
The new spammer as you so identify is someone who wrote a decompiler for god sake!

Who would benefit from any spammer account being bestowed this power? My first guess would be people who want to wreck the forums for people who actually use fpc and Lazarus.
It is disrespectful and highly annoying when you keep 'assuming' someone is a spammer whose only wish is to give the users a new functionality. Just a thought btw, just because we have a new functionality we do not have to use it if we do not wish to.

I do not want this thread to spawn into what transpired earlier so if any future conversations are not factual and are disrespectful to the community I will not respond, it will simply be ignored. We are both way too old for this @Joanna and believe me I have respect for your coding skills I read this thread but your constant and consistent paranoia about anything and everything is detrimental to not just the larger community but in the long run to you as well. Give new people a chance to prove otherwise before you go classifying them as spammers and whatnot. And try not to be so anti-social and anti-any-form-of-change that you are not comfortable with. I wish you good health because I can really use some right now myself. After yesterday's blood work I was diagnosed as border-line diabetic ( which means I am screwed. I can't eat what I want anymore ..sigh!)
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After yesterday's blood work I was diagnosed as border-line diabetic ( which means I am screwed. I can't eat what I want anymore ..sigh!)

Hey Aruna, while this is so totally off topic, I have to comment. As a border-line diabetic, things are not that bad, you probably need to lose some weight, eat selectively and get some exercise. Who knows, you may even come to enjoys it ! And don't get too worked up about things that don't matter. Such as the previous post. You have friends here and, I am sure, elsewhere, value them and ignore the nuff-nuffs. Now, go outside and do some walking. Now !


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I wish you good health because I can really use some right now myself. After yesterday's blood work I was diagnosed as border-line diabetic ( which means I am screwed. I can't eat what I want anymore ..sigh!)

People with an obvious or well-argued cause for complaint, who are prepared to cooperate constructively with those telling them how to minimise its impact, deserve every bit of sympathy they can get.

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After yesterday's blood work I was diagnosed as border-line diabetic ( which means I am screwed. I can't eat what I want anymore ..sigh!)

Hey Aruna, while this is so totally off topic, I have to comment. As a border-line diabetic, things are not that bad, you probably need to lose some weight, eat selectively and get some exercise. Who knows, you may even come to enjoys it ! And don't get too worked up about things that don't matter. Such as the previous post. You have friends here and, I am sure, elsewhere, value them and ignore the nuff-nuffs. Now, go outside and do some walking. Now !

Davo, I love you for the person you are my friend but sadly it is not that simple. You see my immune system was compromised way back in the 80's I was young hungry and foolish. That is a diplomatic way of saying I am a very +positive person by nature and given the analytical skills available to us on this forum you will deduce I am living with a virus that carries extreme stigma and immediate and instant rejection most times. So yes I am hiv+ and now they effin tell me I am diabetic and I can't have my beer or eat white jasmine rice which I love. (Screw that am eating what I want when I want at least I will die happy with a full tummy?)

Life is hard at times my friend. And then guys like you show up and give us the moral boost we need to carry on. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If no one wants anything to do with me after this disclosure I will absolutely understand. ( As commanded by teh man from down under I am over and out for a brisk walk. I bid you all good day and wish things were different but they are not. I have to deal with this :-)
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OK Aruna, not often I'm caught with a lack of words. Well done !

No, I am pretty sure people wont change their minds following your "full and frank disclosure". Why on earth would they ?  You have two health problems mate, thats all, wont affect your creative contributions here, won't even alter your moral standing here, none of that is relevant to FPC/Lazarus.

But it is relevant to you, that is obvious. As I said, you have two problems. Treat then like that, two, separate, different problems. One, the diabetes, is totally manageable, probably curable. Keep walking. The other, yep, its a doozie, but nothing like it was 30 years ago, it too is manageable now.

Personally, I prefer brown rice, its just slower to cook. My wife has to have a high fibre diet so its brown rice here mate. And, again, personal knowledge, you will get a beer or two as well. Friday night we were out with someone who had same diabetic diagnose as you 3 years ago, she is careful but at times, drinks me under the table! On average, she drinks less than she used to. Its all about "average".

You will get by Aruna, different than before but you will still get by !

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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Hey rvk I have been told that this forum works ok on a tablet, I guess you are using a phone? That’s hard to imagine this forum being stuffed into a tiny phone screen it would probably lose everything I like about it.

I’d like to say that I once chatted in real time with an account with same name as op and it was not capable of discussing the most simple concepts of pascal language. However the chatbot was quite capable of being pompous and bragging about how great it was at programming.

I have no absolutely interest in having a debate with an account that generates a wall of ai assisted and often inappropriate text. Thank you very much.

@dbannon I share your enthusiasm for brown rice. I like the flavor.
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Hey rvk I have been told that this forum works ok on a tablet, I guess you are using a phone?
Yep, I'm often on a phone and then it's really small.
You constantly need to zoom in and out.

(Eventually the forum will catch up to the modern world  ;) )


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Rvk That doesn’t look so bad considering that it’s a phone.
This forum is designed for computers which presumably most of us use for programming.
I like the information dense layout of this forum. So called modern ui have a lot of empty space. I hate that. I’m worried that making forums work better for phone might make them worse for desktops. Programmers  might get lazy and decide to use the phone ui for everything.  :o
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So yes I am hiv+  ...
Again very much off-topic here but you should read Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book "The real Anthony Fauci", or watch a documentary film based on it. I have seen it but now cannot find it. They may have censored it out from internet. Can be found in site.
I got feedback earlier after writing about the Covid plandemic in our mailing list, so I stop now.
I can be reached by a personal message if somebody needs more information. Hint: don't take more jabs!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 05:35:06 am by JuhaManninen »
Mostly Lazarus trunk and FPC 3.2 on Manjaro Linux 64-bit.


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I too am looking forward to the mobile view. In addition, it would be nice if the editor also supported markdown (but unfortunately smf does not have such a plugin). User notifications are also useful, and the pidnned issue of spamming, in my opinion, is irrelevant, because such notifications can usually be turned off in the configuration
Best regards / Pozdrawiam


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So yes I am hiv+  ...
Again very much off-topic here but you should read Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book "The real Anthony Fauci", or watch a documentary film based on it. I have seen it but now cannot find it. They may have censored it out from internet.
I got feedback earlier after writing about the Covid plandemic in our mailing list, so I stop now.
I can be reached by a personal message if somebody needs more information. Hint: don't take more jabs!
Hello Juha, I thought long and hard before deciding on the subject line for this thread. It says: Re: Was:Forum Upgrade? by @Remy Lebeau|Now: Off-Topic but possibly useful stuff ', yes?

When I went over the original thread and started seeing so many people going off in many different tangents, angles, and directions I felt there was a need to let them express their feelings/opinions. So this particular thread when I started it had two very specific intents. The first one was to get @Remy involved again and hopefully get the community to 'consider' what he was asking for (this was done!)

The second reason was to give others a safe space where they are free to have a dialog(rant? vent? just let off steam? including giving @Joanna the opportunity to make unsubstantiated digs and pokes at myself, hey it is a free country right? .. so nothing is off-topic here:-) All are welcome and anything goes (within sane defaults of course)

Thanks for the advice my friend but it is a bit too late to avoid jabs. I have already taken two pfizer's. I had no say in this matter. My employer at that time put in place a policy "Get jabbed or go home, period." So most of us who needed the work got vaccinated. A few folks declined and were terminated which I felt was not right :-(

I will PM you.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 08:18:25 pm by Aruna »
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I think those who have a problem with Anthony Fauci should have followed the advice from their oh-so-competent orange doctor and injected Clorox into their veins. 

I don't know how effective it would have been against the covid virus but, it might have unclogged their brains (optimistically, presuming that is actually possible.)

(FPC v3.0.4 and Lazarus 1.8.2) or (FPC v3.2.2 and Lazarus v3.2) on Windows 7 SP1 64bit.


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Getting to off topic now.

Please return to Pascal / Forum related


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