I had a program that works fine compiled on Lazarus 2.2, Zeos 7.14 taht works fine on Windows 2012 Server
The same program doesn't work on Windows 2022 Server.
I get result of the query 9 (qo) from Oracle i.e.:
SELECT 'K' AS ko FROM oraTable
Then I prepare query (qf) for Firebird server using
qf.SQL.Add('update fbTable set kf='''+qo.FieldByName('ko').AsString+'''');
Then result is:
UPDATE fbTable SET kf='K '
I am expecting 'K' but I receive 'K '. kf is type of char(2) so I receive overflof error because my new kf is not 'K' but 'K ' 4 chracters long.
How to fix it?
Code page set in connection setings is UTF8.