If a language is Turing complete, it follows by inference there is never a speed difference in the language itself, it can only be the implementation.
I admit to having been brutally dismissive of OP when- at the start of the thread- he was equally dismissive of Pascal's type declarations and demanded that the language be changed to ease pointer manipulation.
However by now I feel he is making a good point: by no means an original point, but one which is perennially good.
Modern compiler implementations suck when it comes to generating small binaries in their default setup.
This is not a language issue, unless either the language mandates inefficient data representation or the language mandates that inefficient runtime checks cannot be disabled.
It's more often caused by a combination of factors, including:
* The user is failing to distinguish binary file size and size in memory.
* The user has inadvertently left debugging information attached to the binary.
* The user has inadvertently left unneeded runtime checks in the memory image.
* The user is referring to language extensions, which the implementation (not the language itself) implements inefficiently.
* The user has left the optimisation level at an inefficient default and the compiler is not attempting to eliminate code from at least some of the above.
* The language implementation's standard library contains a substantial number of "hooks" etc. to try to accommodate every use case conceived over the last 40 years.
Plus- and this is borderline between language definition and implementation-
* The core language has become excessively large due to a focus on adding application- and OS-specific feature support rather than abstracting such things into an expressive core plus extension libraries.
So to summarise, OP got off to a bad start by expressing himself in a way that appeared to be trolling ** . However we all know that binary size and in-core footprint is a problem for all current languages, and while he has directed his frustration towards FPC's dynamic arrays and structured types, this sort of thing is a problem with just about all current languages that try to express higher-level concepts to "enhance the programming experience": and I don't believe he is denying that:
100 times slower than any normality provides... and programms are 1000 times bigger
than in ancient ages of programing science - in 1990 or so, so it was almost 40 years ago.
Why it is so badlly with this and still worse?
Because now amateurs are programming (mainly workers in corporation of course), no profesionalists what has been eariel.
** OP: I suggest you think about how you're phrasing something before posting. That's particularly the case if English is not your native language.