I have translated it again and its fully in Polish.
First, pay attention to the
instructions for translators. Developers will happily accept your translation, but it must meet these requirements.
I am on Github but maybe you can give me a tutorial how to do it on GitLab or any advise, link or something?
1. Of course, you'll need to
sign up for GitLab first if you haven't already. This can be easily done using your GitHub account.
2. I don't recommend you create a merge request if you haven't done it before. Just create an issue. To do this, go to
this page and click the "
New issue" button.
3. The "
Description" field will already be filled with the text prepared for the bug report. You don't need him. Just delete this text and write in your own words. Attach a file by dragging it into the field.
4. The "
Title" might be something like "
Fixing the translation of lhelp into Polish". I definitely recommend indicating the word "Translation" in the title so that it is immediately clear.
5. Click "
Create issue" and start waiting for a response )) Please be prepared for feedback, it is often necessary to redo something. Be positive.