Forum > macOS / Mac OS X

Lazarus 3.4

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Thank you, I checked that post but unfortunately I wasn't able to get rid of the error message.


--- Quote from: reinhardt1053 on August 18, 2024, 06:15:56 pm ---Thank you, I checked that post but unfortunately I wasn't able to get rid of the error message.

--- End quote ---

The link that VTwin posted (which, incidently is the same thread I linked to near the top of the thread) suggests a couple of solutions and address a couple of different initial install models.  Could you please tell us a bit more about your installation -

[x] How did you install XCode ? Specifically, did you install all of XCode or just the XCode Command Line Tools ?
[x] How did you install FPC ? Specifically, is it from Brew (etc) or a prebuilt binary package with Mac installer or did you install from a FPC Tarball ?
[x] Similarly, how did you install Lazarus

I cannot replicate your experience because I have an older Mac and see no problems.  But if, as suspected, its a recent change by Apple, that would be expected. But given that, for the record, I install ONLY the xcode command line tools, FPC from a tarball and I always build Lazarus from source.



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