Indeed, with the PackageTabs package installed, there is no "Close all other pages" command in the context menu of file tabs. However, the context menu of package tabs does have a "Close All" option, which closes all files in this package. But there can be many packages, and this does not help much.
Fortunately, I think it is easy to add. In my opinion, this is a necessary functionality.
The same applies to the "Close Pages on the Right" command. But adding it does not make much sense for this package, since the tabs are not opened in the order they were opened, but are grouped. And this creates an ambiguity - should I close all tabs on the right of this package or all tabs of all packages? And should created the same command for package tabs to close all packages opened on the right?
Martin, I do not understand what [Ctrl+RMouse] is supposed to do? I do not see the difference between this combination and the usual [RMouse] press, either with or without the PackageTabs package.