I'm searching for something like 'TRadioGroup', but with individual ToolTips for each RadioButton and all RadioButtons must be setable to 'off' (at the same time) programmatically.
I tried Event TRadioGroup.OnShowHint but this seems not to be fired at all (maybe this is the reason why it's not offered in the ObjectInspector).
I tried a combination of 1 TRadioGroup and some TRadioButtons, which allowes individual ToolTips, but I did not manage to set all RadioButtons to 'unchecked' at the same time (via code).
Same result with a combination of 1 TGroupBox and some TRadioButtons.
I'm on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit with Lazarus 2.0.10 / FPC 320.
Any idea for a workaround? Thanks in advance.