Compile Project, Target: /home/bambang/Downloads/lazarus/components/tbufdatasetdelta/DataSetDelta/project1: Exit code 1, Errors: 38, Warnings: 2, Hints: 37
Hint: Start of reading config file /home/bambang/lazarus_3.0.fixes/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file /home/bambang/lazarus_3.0.fixes/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
Verbose: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2-r0d122c49 [2024/05/21] for x86_64
Verbose: Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Verbose: Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Verbose: Compiling project1.lpr
Verbose: Compiling unit1.pas
Verbose: Compiling bufdataset.pas
bufdataset.pas(70,14) Note: Virtual method "Seek(LongInt;Word):LongInt;" has a lower visibility (protected) than parent class TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(71,14) Note: Virtual method "Read(var <Formal type>;LongInt):LongInt;" has a lower visibility (protected) than parent class TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(72,14) Note: Virtual method "Write(const <Formal type>;LongInt):LongInt;" has a lower visibility (protected) than parent class TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(789,51) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(793,15) Note: Call to subroutine "function AnsiStrLIComp(S1:PChar;S2:PChar;MaxLen:QWord):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
bufdataset.pas(795,15) Note: Call to subroutine "function AnsiStrLComp(S1:PChar;S2:PChar;MaxLen:QWord):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
bufdataset.pas(797,15) Note: Call to subroutine "function AnsiCompareText(const S1:AnsiString;const S2:AnsiString):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
bufdataset.pas(799,15) Note: Call to subroutine "function AnsiCompareStr(const S1:AnsiString;const S2:AnsiString):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
bufdataset.pas(802,55) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(815,51) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(815,66) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(821,55) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(821,70) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(827,50) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(827,65) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(833,55) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(833,70) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(846,51) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(846,66) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(852,52) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(852,67) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(865,53) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(865,68) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(877,50) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(877,65) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(882,67) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(887,55) Hint: Parameter "size" not used
bufdataset.pas(887,70) Hint: Parameter "options" not used
bufdataset.pas(1659,18) Error: Identifier not found "ftShortInt"
bufdataset.pas(1659,28) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(1660,18) Error: Identifier not found "ftByte"
bufdataset.pas(1660,24) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(1660,24) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(1665,18) Error: Identifier not found "ftLongWord"
bufdataset.pas(1665,29) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(1665,29) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(1665,34) Error: identifier idents no member "AsLongWord"
bufdataset.pas(1665,49) Error: identifier idents no member "AsLongWord"
bufdataset.pas(1673,18) Error: Identifier not found "ftExtended"
bufdataset.pas(1673,29) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(1673,29) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(1673,34) Error: identifier idents no member "AsExtended"
bufdataset.pas(1673,49) Error: identifier idents no member "AsExtended"
bufdataset.pas(1674,18) Error: Identifier not found "ftSingle"
bufdataset.pas(1674,29) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(1674,29) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(1674,34) Error: identifier idents no member "AsSingle"
bufdataset.pas(1674,47) Error: identifier idents no member "AsSingle"
bufdataset.pas(2189,27) Hint: Variable "ACompareStruct" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(2539,5) Error: Identifier not found "ftShortint"
bufdataset.pas(2539,15) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(2539,15) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(2540,7) Error: Identifier not found "ftByte"
bufdataset.pas(2540,13) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(2540,13) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(2551,5) Error: Identifier not found "ftLongWord"
bufdataset.pas(2551,18) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(2551,18) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(2568,5) Error: Identifier not found "ftExtended"
bufdataset.pas(2568,18) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(2568,18) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(2569,5) Error: Identifier not found "ftSingle"
bufdataset.pas(2569,18) Error: Constant Expression expected
bufdataset.pas(2569,18) Error: duplicate case label
bufdataset.pas(2946,29) Warning: Symbol "ApplyRecUpdate" is deprecated
bufdataset.pas(3093,36) Error: Identifier not found "SErrUpdatesInProgess"
bufdataset.pas(4402,14) Hint: Local variable "s" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4469,29) Hint: Local variable "Buf" does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4475,18) Hint: Local variable "Buf" does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4478,32) Hint: Variable "AUpdOrder" does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4517,13) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
bufdataset.pas(4518,48) Error: identifier idents no member "ReadUnicodeString"
bufdataset.pas(4526,24) Hint: Local variable "B" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4578,20) Error: identifier idents no member "WriteUnicodeString"
bufdataset.pas(4601,14) Hint: Local variable "s" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
bufdataset.pas(4799,0) Verbose: There were 38 errors compiling module, stopping
Verbose: Compilation aborted
Verbose: /home/bambang/lazarus_3.0.fixes/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode