I decided to port an editor over from windows to linux. It has run on windows for years, and it compiles fine in linux lazarus. When run though, I get this:
Project ted raised exception class 'External: Unknown exception code 8'.
In file 'laztracer.pas' at line 58
and here is line 58:
{$ifndef HASAMIGA} // On Amiga Division by 0 is not catchable, just crash
if (length(Msg) div (length(Msg) div 10000))=0 then ;
google is no help and stepping through the code has yet to point to the problem. I don't know where a division by 0 is coming from and this is no help. Is there a way to get the routine that sent the message to laztracer?
Can anyone give me a clue as to what error 8 is so I have some idea where I might look for the problem, or is error 8 a division by zero?
This is on a laptop system running Kubuntu 24.04, a rysen 7 processor with 32G memory, and the latest version of stable lazarus and fpc installed via fpcupdeluxe.
The program is a multi file text editor that was originally based on a demo I found years ago and adapted to my needs over time. It is attached to this post.
I put this in General simply because I didn't know where to stick it. Feel free to move it if needed.