In the editor window, next to the scrollbar, there is a vertical area that has some indicators that I'm unable to figure out what they identify.
Please refer to the attachments, particularly the zoomed-in attachment where the marks are easier to see.
Here are the questions I have:
1. from the top, there are 4 little rectangular blue marks, what do they identify ?
2. below those, there is a green little rectangle, what does that one identify ? why is it green instead of blue ?
3. towards the bottom there is a white area (instead of grey), does that area mean something ?
4. in the proximity of the white area there are a number of green rectangles that are half the width of the grey "column". What do those green areas/rectangles identify ?
5. there is a fuchsia colored rectangle below the green areas. Why is that rectangle a different color ? and what does it identify ?
I noticed that scrolling the text does not seem to have any effect on any of those indicators making their purpose a bit hard to guess. Just in case the answer to the above questions doesn't shed light on why scrolling has no effect on them, I'd like to know why it doesn't.
Thank you for your help.
PS: the screenshots are from a trunk version of Lazarus that is about 2 weeks old but, I've noticed a similar pattern in v3.2