
Author Topic: FpDebug feature request dm16 !  (Read 1242 times)


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FpDebug feature request dm16 !
« on: June 28, 2024, 10:00:48 am »
Add "dm16" that will allow disassamble 16 bit code.
That would be easy addition for dissambler. Operand size and Address size functions have to be altered and few changes: "= dm32" to "<=dm32".

There is no disassembler writen in Pascal that is capable to handle 16, 32 and 64 bit code. Disassambler in fpdebug is next best thing.

I understand that there will be no 16bit fpdebug ever, but disassebler functionaly should not suffer for that.


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Re: FpDebug feature request dm16 !
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2024, 10:57:03 am »
There is no disassembler writen in Pascal that is capable to handle 16, 32 and 64 bit code. Disassambler in fpdebug is next best thing.

I understand that there will be no 16bit fpdebug ever, but disassebler functionaly should not suffer for that.
I wanted to mention that there is a 16 bit disassembler written in Pascal.  It's the disassembler that was included with TurboPower Software's T-DebugPlus, written by the superbly talented L. David Baldwin - may he rest in peace.   

It would not be difficult to port the disassembler part of the debugger to 32 bit or 64 bit code since it is all written in TP4.0 and the disassembler itself has no dependencies on MS-DOS.

I am not sure what the copyright status of TDebugPlus is given that its author has passed away and the company that distributed it (TurboPower) is long defunct.  TurboPower released a lot of its software as open source but, TDebugPlus does not seem to be among the released products.
(FPC v3.0.4 and Lazarus 1.8.2) or (FPC v3.2.2 and Lazarus v3.2) on Windows 7 SP1 64bit.


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Re: FpDebug feature request dm16 !
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2024, 11:25:04 am »
I wanted to mention that there is a 16 bit disassembler written in Pascal.  It's the disassembler that was included with TurboPower Software's T-DebugPlus, written by the superbly talented L. David Baldwin - may he rest in peace.   

It would not be difficult to port the disassembler part of the debugger to 32 bit or 64 bit code since it is all written in TP4.0 and the disassembler itself has no dependencies on MS-DOS.
There are wild zoo of 16 bit disassemblers. None of them have 3 in 1.
I have writen one myself. Extended to 32 bit, then to 64 bit general purpose registers. Adding SSE, AVX is not trivial at all. Droped that idea. Looking for "ready to use" disassembler. FpDebug is best choice currently. I have already modified it for my needs.

My request is to add 16 bit support in disassmbler for everyone.


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Re: FpDebug feature request dm16 !
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2024, 12:29:18 pm »
I somehow missed that thread.

The disassembler is complex enough as it is. As long as FpDebug does not support the target, I don't think it is good to add it to the disassembler. There is always a risk of breaking the 32/64 bit disassembly. And the test case currently is way to small  to catch it.

You can always fork it, and publish your work for everyone to use.


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