Forum > Embedded - ARM

Problem with GraphMath Library on Raspbian


I installed last version od raspbian (version 12) and Lazarus 2.2.6 from repository, but it's dosen't work. with new project (a simple GUI) I hve the problem in attachment

graphics.pp(69,14) Fatal: Cannot find GraphMath used by Graphics, incompatible ppu=/usr/lib/lazarus/2.2.6/components/lazutils/lib/arm-linux/graphmath.ppu, multiple packages: LazUtils, LCLBase

Can you hekp me?

What is a "simple GUI" program? A standard LCL application ("Project" > "New" > "Project" > "Application")? In this case, it should work. Please remove everything unneeded from your project and post it here so that we can check the project. In the other case, a plausible error would be that you did not add package LazUtils to the requirements of your project which contains the unit "GraphMath".

The issue is that you have installed Lazarus in a directory where it does not have enough rights.

It should be automatically handled, and tries to (attempting to use the graphmath unit in the user configuration directory) but ultimately fails. For some reason the checksum calculation/check seem to go wrong and you end up with this mess. afaik it is still an issue in trunk.

At least, de-install your current lazarus, remove any (configuration) remnants and use something like fpcupdeluxe to install a newer version of Lazarus into a directory with enough access rights (you can keep the Free pascal installation from your package manager as long as it is FPC 3.2.2).

see also #40701


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