The following is a link to a youtube video about IBM's System/360.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npgvV_-Nh60Just FYI, it's mostly pictures and narration (no fancy eye candy anywhere.)
It's not obvious today but, System/360 is in many ways the "big bang" of the modern computer era.
It's genuinely amazing that, at one time, a fully loaded mainframe was a machine with 4MB of memory (and, back then, that was a spectacular amount of memory very few organizations could afford,) On configurations that had quite a bit less memory, you had COBOL, FORTRAN and PL/1 compilers available.
It's genuinely amazing what programmers managed to do on such limited hardware.
Anyway, for me personally, that video brought a lot of good memories back.
I hope it will do the same for the forum old timers and provide somewhat of a picture of what computing used to be at one time to the younger generation.