I did check out the wiki, and tried to get Fcpudeluxe going but I just didn't have the linux chops to get it working. Got pretty far but still had issues. I was hopeful that I could get it going with fcpudeluxe but botched something.
I went back to the package manager and am just using the older version of Lazarus. Seems OK with a few glitches now and again, but otherwise pretty good. I seem to run into more issues with packages/components that don't quite work right on linux (ARM anyways). I was messing with UE Controls and a few others that had issues. Otherwise works pretty well.
I'm going to try to get installed the ARM version of Ubuntu 24.x which I think had Lazarus 3.x (not sure which) as available from the package manager. Likely just get another PI so I can keep one working and one for trying different things.
Need to get my Linux skills back into shape, the PI5 is pretty useable, better in some cases then running VirtualBox with linux which I had done in the past. The one tip is that in 4k video mode it's a bit slow, but at regular 2k HD it really works pretty well.
Will post when I get the next PI5 and see if I can get 24.x Ubuntu running.