You can call ffmpeg using TProcess...
If You need it a bit more detailed, see
FFGrab4Laz-> GoTo: '
For how to build the FFmpeg-CommandLine, see the
FFmpeg Documentation-> GoTo: "You can extract images from a video, or create a video from many images"
"For extracting images from a video" and
"For creating a video from many images".
to extract Images from a Video, and then recreate that Video from those Images,
copy the following CommandLines into the first Line of 'RunFFmpeg' and click [Grab].
Video -> Images:
-i "tmp/Video2Image.avi" -f image2 tmp/frame%03d.jpgImages -> Video:
-f image2 -framerate 12 -i tmp/frame%03d.jpg "tmp/Image2Video.avi"'FFmpeg' is cross platform; the SourceCode of 'RunFFmpeg' is currently Windows, but You may extend it with Linux and Mac - it's OpenSource.