Is there an Upper conversion for a string. Tried searching the Lazarus/FPC Help and can't find anything.
I've created a search box for the user to key in a search string, i.e. by the active index. I've done that but the issue is the index, i.e. STATUS. If the table, let's say Proposals, has a field where the user can define the Proposal Status as HOT or ACTIVE, CLOSED, CANCELLED. If a person using the system is looking for a particular Proposal and the active index is BYSTATUS which is index by the STATUS field ixCaseInsensitive. The STATUS field data in the STATUS table contains data in all upper-case. But in the search by index component of my form which is a JvDBSearchEdit component, testing you have to enter in all caps or the search won't work. I am trying to convert the search to ignore case.
I was attempting to convert the data in the table field to UpStatus:= Upper(searchstring). Anyone have an idea? Probably a simple solution.