Forum > Networking and Web Programming
How to download a video from an URL like *.m3u8 ?
This method seems to work when you receive 403 Forbidden errors while downloading the video (it emulates the same headers that your browser sends):
Using Firefox, open Developer Tools using Ctrl + Shift + I, or click on the 3-line hamburger menu in the top-right (1.) > More Tools (2.) > Web Developer Tools (3.).
Screenshot of Firefox: 3-line Hamburger Menu > More Tools:
Screenshot of Firefox: More Tools > Developer Tools:
Go to the Network tab (4.), reload the page, find the appropriate .m3u8 entry, typically named stream.m3u8 or something similar (5.), right-click on it, Copy Value (6.) > Copy as cURL (7.).
Screenshot of Firefox: right-click on stream.m3u8: Copy Value > Copy as cURL
Then paste the resulting cURL command into here: Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool from if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a .exe suffix, eg: ffmpeg becomes ffmpeg.exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video!
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