Thanks for the suggestions.
I successfully loaded the fpweb package. Then I attempted to follow the directions in two of the website tutorials suggested by TRon. (I am using the latest Lazarus distribution 3.2.) Partial success. Frustrations continue.
fpWeb Tutorial. I tried the "Hello World" example. Used the HTTP Server Application. In Item #5, I was directed to move to the Object Inspector. There were NO objects available under Object Inspector. Consequently, I could not select an event as specified under Item #6.
fcl-web. I was able to create the first application (CGI Application) as directed. I was able to compile it successfully (Run/Quick compile). However the normally green arrow used to launch the application was not illuminated, so I couldn't run the application.
Are these bugs in 3.2 that I am finding or is it me?
Is it possible to use fpweb with a straight Application rather than the HTTP Server Application or the CGI Application? If so, is there a tutorial on how to do that?