I want to detect far.exe, when he=far.exe copy a big .iso (8Gb)
to other partition, then he slow-down too much my google.chrome.exe
FirstStep. My00app.exe detect the far.exe , he use too much the old-hard disk!!
SecondStep. then my00app.exe set limit of far.exe to minimum.( this answer already I have)
Main problem = Can I detect any far.exe , when
far.exe use too much hdd? I known far.exe is unkown by my00app.exe.
This trick is very good when the user/s use very intensity
the big-programs (AutoCad, VideoProcessing,, SolidWork, Matlab calculate bigMatrix, youtube-uploader.exe)
Youtube-uploader.exe is in danger by far.exe?
if yes then my00app.exe slow-down the far.exe, and he=my00app save
the youtube.uploader(you can replace far.exe= scamapp).
the fight=youtube.uploader.exe vs far.exe?