Is anybody able to compile the (hardware accelerated) GraphiX Lib vor Go32v2? ( ).
It seems to be made for an older FPC version but not available any more.
I finally got parts of it to compile (graphix.pp), by simply commenting out (hopefully not needed parts) parts that won't compile anymore.
But I get stuck now when trying to compile gxdemo.pas
Current Errors:
gximg.pp(1368,31) Error: You cannot reach COSTAB from that code
gximg.pp(1424,31) Error: You cannot reach COSTAB from that code
gximg.pp(5660,18) Error: function header doesn't match the previous declaration "Read(var <Formal type>;LongInt);"
gximg.pp(5771,18) Error: function header doesn't match the previous declaration "Read(var <Formal type>;LongInt);"
If someone somehow manages to create/obtain the compiled units, or tell me how to fix this error, that would be a great help to me.