Wonderful... thank you Martin.
Normally I rarely use Lazarus to edit source code, which means I have a hard time remembering all the settings I changed over time. Until very recently I was using Lazarus v1.8.2 which, over the years, I got to work as I like but, I don't remember all the settings I changed in it.
The reason I am now using the editor more is because of FpDebug.
On that note, I'd like to mention that, when I first started using FPC and Lazarus, I thought the ability to edit the source while debugging was a bad idea. Now, I think it's one of the best features I've come across and, TTBOMK, Lazarus/FpDebug is the only environment that can keep track of executable lines after code and/or comments have been added to the source. What a great feature!
thanks again.